Please ensure you are posting content that has relevant and true facts about our environmental issues.
Before posting; always do your own research, and avoid content that is written by climate change deniers, bigots, xenophobes, and other bad people.
If you were just curious; please take a look of our dedicated posting rules:
- Don’t spam this forum – Avoid spamming this form. This is not limited to unpaid advertising, or links to promote your product or service. Don’t post any post that hasn’t any meaningful content that is relevant. Always use common sense when posting.
- Don’t link to pirated content – Avoid linking to pirated content at all costs. Mermaids Oceans & Fantasy uses a same concept as Fairies Dreams & Fantasy. We rather create interesting and unique content. Pirating content is NOT our cup of tea!
- No profanity allowed – Due to visitors who may swim by this forum, we do NOT allow use of any profanity under any circumstances. All forum content is inspected and edited to remove unwanted profanity.
- Take your time as you write – Always take your time when writing. Rushing may lead you to having errors on your post. Even if you are a fast type; always slow down.
- No posting of sexual content – We are using common sense to prevent sexual content of any kind from happening. This is not limited to pornography.
- Always use common sense – Everybody should use common sense, we encourage everyone to do the same.